Court Bookings
The Sunshine Coast Ladies Midweek Tennis Association (SCLMWTA Inc) has been organising ladies’ doubles fixtures on the coast since 1968.
In the mid 1980s we had 103 teams with 12 divisions, today we are down to 24 teams and 4 divisions in our Wednesday fixtures.
Our Wednesday fixtures are played in teams of 4 and start at 9:30am and normally finish around 1pm.
Thursday fixtures (2 players per team) are played at one central club per division per season, commencing at 7pm and are usually finished by 8:30pm.
Our fixture competitions are run over two seasons each year. Autumn season is February to June.
Spring season is mid-July to November.
No tennis is played during the school holidays.
Entry forms for both competitions as well as a reserves membership form are below.
Further details can be found on our website - http://www.tennis.com.au/sunshineladies
Wednesday fixtures - http://www.tennis.com.au/sunshineladies/wednesday-comp
Thursday night fixture - http://www.tennis.com.au/sunshineladies/thursday-evening-comp
We have a facebook page – “Suncoastladies Midweektennis” https://www.facebook.com/midweekladies
Please like our page to stay up to date with midweek ladies’ news.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at sclmwta@bigpond.com